Acupuncture: an Integrative Approach To Fertility

“Acupuncture can help with that?” This is a common question I hear, and it always gets me excited to educate and empower my patients. My answer is almost always a resounding “yes,” and that is the case when it comes to reproductive health and fertility.

Conception Support

There are so many factors that play a role in the ability to conceive a child which is why the whole-body approach utilized in acupuncture diagnosis and treatment can be incredibly effective. There is certainly a strong focus on regulating the menstrual cycle, and this is for a number of reasons. We need to ensure there is enough time during the first half of the cycle to build a healthy endometrial lining and follicles to release the egg. We also need to have enough time in the second half of the cycle for implantation and creating a healthy home for the embryo.

However, there are many factors that can affect the cycle and conception such as chronic health conditions, hormonal imbalance, stress, poor sleep, nutrition, and even environmental toxins. It is also important to note that the pressure ends up solely on female partners all too often. The health and lifestyle of male partners are equally important as sperm quality can also play a role in difficulty with conception.

When it comes to artificial techniques such as IUI or IVF, acupuncture can be equally effective. One example is that there are certain points that have been shown to increase blood flow to the uterus. Additionally, a secondary analysis of a study by Oregon Health and Sciences University showed an increase in live birth outcomes in age groups up to 40 years for those receiving acupuncture before and after embryo implantation. The groups incorporating a whole systems approach with diet, lifestyle, and supplementation (in addition to acupuncture) saw even greater increases in live births up to age 42. A part of these results is rooted in the improvement of egg quality with this integrative approach. The focus in conventional medicine is often only on egg quantity.

Acupuncture During Pregnancy

Lastly, acupuncture during pregnancy is safe and helpful for the ever-changing symptoms that come up such as nausea, swelling, and pain. There are certain points we avoid needling during pregnancy but can be used at or after the due date to help induce labor. Postpartum treatment is also an important consideration to help with recovery from pregnancy and labor. The body goes through a lot during this amazing process and needs extra support even if it’s merely an hour on the table to rest.


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