The Pelvic Floor PRP harnesses the body’s innate healing ability to restore sensation, improve vaginal lubrication, and help increase libido.


The Pelvic Floor PRP is a safe and effective treatment designed to enhance sexual pleasure and rejuvenate vaginal functionality.


How it Works

The Pelvic Floor PRP uses Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) derived from a patients’ own blood sample. PRP contains concentrated growth factors which enhance natural tissue growth and repair. After receiving topical and local anesthetic, the O-Shot® is used to stimulate tissue regeneration and increased blood flow in the clitoris and vagina. As a safe and effective outpatient procedure, patients are able to drive themselves home after receiving the O-Shot® and can resume sexual activity six hours after the injection.

What is Pelvic Floor PRP Used For?

Pelvic Floor PRP is used to treat a variety of conditions, including vaginal dryness, urinary incontinence, reduced ability to orgasm, and even chronic pain from an episiotomy or surgical scarring. Pelvic Floor PRP has helped thousands of women increase their sexual satisfaction and vitality.

Pelvic Floor PRP Benefits

Patients have reported robust treatment benefits after receiving Pelvic Floor PRP:

  • Increased libido and arousal

  • Enhanced vaginal and clitoral sensitivity

  • Stronger and more frequent orgasms

  • Improved vaginal lubrication

  • Decreased urinary incontinence

Side Effects & Results

Because PRP is derived from a patients own blood, there is minimal risk of adverse reactions. Patients may experience some pain or sensitivity immediately after the procedure which can be managed with over the counter Tylenol.

Most patients report a noticeable improvement in libido and sexual sensitivity within a few days after receiving Pelvic Floor PRP. The full effects of Pelvic Floor PRP typically take three months to manifest, as it takes time for the body to regenerate tissue and stimulate new tissue growth.

