Cold Weather and Joint Pain: What to Know
As the temperature drops and winter sets in, many of us find ourselves grappling with a common nemesis: joint pain. Whether it's an occasional discomfort or a chronic issue, winter joint pain can put a damper on our daily lives. In this blog, we'll explore various strategies to help you stay active and pain-free during the winter months.
What is Inflammation Telling You?
Inflammation is a naturally occurring process in our body. It is one of our body’s first lines of defense against infections, toxins, allergies, and injuries. It can often be seen physically as bruising or swelling, which is typically referred to as acute inflammation, and is an important part of the healing process. But what about inflammation we cannot see, inside our blood vessels, fat cells, or brain?
Foot Fitness: What It Is and Why You Need It
Have you heard of foot fitness? If not, you’re not alone - I had no idea it existed until I heard about Ki Lan’s Yamuna Foot Fitness Class, held at SageMED on the first Wednesday of every month. Ki Lan is an experienced pilates instructor, and a certified Yamuna Body Rolling® instructor (to name just a few of her qualifications). Not only is she knowledgeable, she also is incredibly kind and welcoming, and was able to flawlessly adapt the exercises for participants of varying abilities and skill levels.
Suffering from Joint Pain? Curcumin Can Help
Over 46 million Americans suffer from Arthritis, a condition which causes inflammation of the joints. Joint pain can be caused by illnesses like arthritis, but even plain old wear and tear can result in significant joint pain. Pain management can be tricky, but luckily, there is a safe and natural remedy for chronic joint pain: curcumin.