Skin and Skincare: What You Need to Know


Why Skin Care is Important

Your skin is the body’s largest organ and is essential to your overall health and functioning. Taking care of your skin goes beyond aesthetic benefits, as preventative skin care can help reduce your risk of cancer and other health conditions.  

The old adage prevention is the best medicine rings true for skin care, too. The better care you take of your skin now, the better your skin will look as you age. Proper skin care helps reduce the severity of (and prevent) wrinkles, lines, and blemishes. Cultivating beautiful skin is a lifelong process. I really believe that when you look good, you also feel good - and that’s the feeling I’m dedicated to giving each one of my patients. Establishing a skin care routine helps open the door to creating and maintaining other important self-care routines such as oral hygiene, hair care, and more. 

What You Can Do for Your Skin:

  • Make sure to have annual check-ups with a dermatologist. This is especially important for patients with light skin tone, patients with a lot of moles, those with a family history of skin conditions, and elderly patients. Patients in these demographics are more likely to develop chronic skin conditions or skin cancer. 

  • Establish a skin care routine that works well for you

  • Keep your skin moisturized throughout the day. 

    • For many patients, it works best to use a lightweight moisturizer in the morning, and a heavier moisturizer in the evening. 

  • Make sure to use sunscreen! While some moisturizers have sunscreen in them, it’s better to add on a thin layer of sunscreen that has not been mixed with anything to ensure maximum efficacy. Make sure to use sunscreen even if the sky is gray and you do not see the sun - damaging UV rays are present even through cloud cover. 

  • Exfoliating is also another key part of a healthy skincare routine. Consider exfoliating once a week, but not more than twice a week. Exfoliation should be done after cleansing your skin and before applying moisturizer. Be careful with this - not all exfoliants are created equal. Particularly for the face, a VERY gentle exfoliant is best - start by gently rubbing your face with a clean, dry towel to exfoliate the dead skin cells. If this is insufficient for you, find a gentle exfoliant like Dermalogica’s

  • Boost your collagen production through your diet and supplementation. Collagen production decreases as we age, but is important for maintaining skin elasticity. 

How SageMED Can Help:

Prevention is the best medicine, but skin damage happens. At SageMED, we offer SkinPen® microneedling treatments. The SkinPen® creates micro-injuries in the skin, stimulating your body's natural healing response. Your body's healing mechanisms essentially remodel the scar tissue while maintaining your skin's natural structure. The SkinPen® is a safe and highly effective treatment for acne scarring, with over 90% of clinical study participants recommending SkinPen® treatments. The SkinPen® boosts collagen production in the skin, helping to also reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 

The number of treatments required varies depending on the skin texture and desired results of each individual patient - which is why we offer a free consultation to discuss if the SkinPen® is right for you.  

Schedule your free SkinPen® consultation appointment for healthier, vibrant, and younger looking skin. 


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