Vitamin D & COVID-19: Reducing Your Risk

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Here at SageMED, we are big proponents of Vitamin D supplementation, particularly using the combination of Vitamin D3 and K2. This blend offers enhanced absorption and bone protection. The COVID-19 pandemic is highlighting the importance of adequate Vitamin D levels, and a new study suggests a link between Vitamin D levels and the severity of COVID-19 symptoms in patients hospitalized with COVID-19.

This study, composed of 235 COVID-19 positive patients who were admitted to the hospital, indicated that patients with sufficient Vitamin D levels have lower incidences of complications and a lower death rate than those with Vitamin D deficiencies. Of the 235 patients admitted to the hospital, those over the age of 40 with sufficient Vitamin D levels were 51.5% less likely to die than those with a Vitamin D deficiency. The implications of this could offer an affordable way for people to minimize their risk of serious illness should they contract COVID-19.

Vitamin D is already known to play a key role in proper immune functioning. While more studies are required to confirm a causal link between COVID-19 infection severity and Vitamin D levels, this preliminary support indicates a simple and cost-effective way to maximize your immune function and minimize risk during this pandemic.

Our experienced primary care providers can help you optimize your Vitamin D3 levels to help you boost your immune function and maintain your health.


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