Taylor Hartman Taylor Hartman

Boost Your Brain Health: Exercise and Cognitive Function

We know that movement and exercise promotes and maintains health in a variety of ways. In the past few years, researchers and average folks alike have been especially interested in the link between exercise and brain health. Globally, dementia cases have been increasing, with an estimated average of 10 million new cases per year (Dementia). Evidence shows that regular exercise can, in fact, help boost and preserve proper brain function.

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fitness Taylor Hartman fitness Taylor Hartman

8 Healthy Habits to Help You Live Longer

Discover the science-backed secrets to a longer, more vibrant life as we delve into groundbreaking preliminary research funded by the VA. Examining over 700,000 participants aged 40-99, a recent study unveils the eight essential lifestyle habits that hold the key to enhanced vitality and extended longevity.

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fitness Taylor Hartman fitness Taylor Hartman

Benefits of Using a Dry Sauna

Saunas and similar sweat baths or lodges have been used by many cultures throughout history, including by the Finnish, First Nations people, nomadic tribes in Central Asia, Ancient Romans, and the Japanese, to name a few. In the modern day, dry saunas have been reported to have a number of benefits, and early research supports this belief.

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fitness Taylor Hartman fitness Taylor Hartman

Creaky, Popping Knees? Here’s What You Should Know

Knee creaks and pops are surprisingly common, with many patients reporting hearing noise when during flexion (when you bend a body part and bring the joints closer together) and extension (when you straighten the joint) their knees or when doing squats. While these noises can happen because of an individual’s physiology, they are often a manifestation of disease or injury.

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fitness Taylor Hartman fitness Taylor Hartman

Sitting All Day? Here’s What You Need to Know

Many workers spend their day sitting at a desk, whether they’re working from home or in the office. You may have heard that sitting down for hours on end day in, day out can be bad for your health - read on to learn why, and how you can counteract the effects.

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