Allergy Care & Wellness Tips
Immunitea: How to Kick The Common Cold to the Curb
Boost your immunity with natural remedies! Discover how herbal teas and immune-boosting ingredients can help you fight off colds and stay healthy.
Most sinus infections are caused by viruses, not bacteria, making antibiotics ineffective. Learn the facts about viral sinusitis and discover safe, effective ways to manage symptoms.
Food Sensitivities
Often, the words “food allergy” and “food intolerance” are used interchangeably - but are they really the same thing? And if they’re not, how can you tell the difference?
Learn about the differences between prebiotics and probiotics, and how they help support your health. Plus, we explore which foods provide you with the necessary prebiotics or probiotics to keep your gut healthy and happy.
Gluten is a term used for the proteins found in many grains (and products containing them) including wheat, rye, barley, oats, and triticale which helps these foods maintain their shape. Frequently experiencing certain symptoms might indicate a gluten sensitivity, which should be addressed to support your health and comfort.
Respiratory & Inflammation
Most sinus infections are caused by viruses, not bacteria, making antibiotics ineffective. Learn the facts about viral sinusitis and discover safe, effective ways to manage symptoms.
As the temperature drops and winter sets in, many of us find ourselves grappling with a common nemesis: joint pain. Whether it's an occasional discomfort or a chronic issue, winter joint pain can put a damper on our daily lives. In this blog, we'll explore various strategies to help you stay active and pain-free during the winter months.
Introducing Immunitea, a special formula crafted by Dr. Sage to fortify your immune system and combat a range of common cold symptoms, from a stuffy nose to a persistent cough. While this recipe might not win any taste awards, the results it delivers are certainly worth it.
Chronic inflammation can feel limiting, making it difficult to do the things you love. Luckily there are several things you can do to help lower your inflammation naturally - check them out.
Skin & Immunity
Winter rash is a common skin issue during colder months, caused by dry air and low humidity. Learn about its symptoms, causes, and practical tips to treat and prevent this seasonal condition for healthy, hydrated skin all winter long.
Do you ever wake up in the morning to find that your eyes are seriously puffy? If this only happens occasionally, it’s nothing to worry about. But if you frequently wake up with puffy eyes, there are a few reasons why.
In the intricate realm of the human immune system, a symphony of cells, proteins, and organs orchestrates a delicate dance to safeguard our bodies from infections. Among its many roles, a properly functioning immune system safeguards against invading viruses and bacteria. In the world of immunology there are two types of conditions - primary immunodeficiencies and autoimmune diseases, that reveal how the immune system's malfunction can lead to vastly different outcomes.