From A to Zinc: Essential Role of Zinc in Your Health

Explore the often-overlooked yet essential role of Zinc in promoting metabolic health, strengthening the immune system, and catalyzing crucial enzyme functions within the body. Uncover the hidden power of this vital mineral in maintaining overall well-being.

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Nutrition Taylor Hartman Nutrition Taylor Hartman

All About Magnesium

Researchers estimate that up to 50% of the U.S. population has a magnesium deficiency. Uncover the critical link between magnesium and Vitamin D metabolism and learn how to safeguard your health by optimizing your magnesium intake.

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fitness Taylor Hartman fitness Taylor Hartman

PRP for Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition in which the cartilage between your joints wears away, causing the bones to rub closer together. PRP can help address and repair the effects of Osteoarthritis, improving mobility and quality of life.

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Taylor Hartman Taylor Hartman

Early Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s

Uncover the early signs of Alzheimer's that everyone should know about. By recognizing these subtle cues, you can take proactive steps to protect your loved ones and navigate memory loss together while preserving the person’s well being, dignity, and independence as much as possible.

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Allergies Taylor Hartman Allergies Taylor Hartman

The Differences between Autoimmune Diseases & Primary Autoimmune Deficiencies

In the intricate realm of the human immune system, a symphony of cells, proteins, and organs orchestrates a delicate dance to safeguard our bodies from infections. Among its many roles, a properly functioning immune system safeguards against invading viruses and bacteria. In the world of immunology there are two types of conditions - primary immunodeficiencies and autoimmune diseases, that reveal how the immune system's malfunction can lead to vastly different outcomes.

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fitness Taylor Hartman fitness Taylor Hartman

8 Healthy Habits to Help You Live Longer

Discover the science-backed secrets to a longer, more vibrant life as we delve into groundbreaking preliminary research funded by the VA. Examining over 700,000 participants aged 40-99, a recent study unveils the eight essential lifestyle habits that hold the key to enhanced vitality and extended longevity.

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Taylor Hartman Taylor Hartman

Therapy Modalities: What’s the Difference?

In our latest blog, uncover the unique benefits of a variety of the most common therapy modalities. Designed to help you cultivate insight into which approach resonates with you, our latest blog is sure to help you find the right therapist and take a step forward on your journey to healing.

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Taylor Hartman Taylor Hartman

5 Benefits of Float Therapy

The accessibility of float therapy, also known as sensory deprivation therapy, has grown significantly in recent years. Businesses offering personal float pods have sprouted across the Puget Sound. It raises the question - is float therapy just a fad, or are does it truly offer health benefits?

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Taylor Hartman Taylor Hartman

6 Risk Factors for Early Onset Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer, as the term suggests, originates in the colon or the rectum. Like all cancers, early detection is the key to achieving the best possible outcomes. Research shows that rates of colorectal cancer are increasing in folks under 55, highlighting the need to raise awareness of important risk factors.

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Aesthetics Taylor Hartman Aesthetics Taylor Hartman

Is Skin Cycling the Key to a Glowing Complexion?

Skin Cycling is a trend that went viral on TikTok in the Summer of 2022. Unlike many TikTok trends, Skin Cycling is supported by dermatological expertise and training. Created by Dr. Whitney Bowe, a board certified Dermatologist, Skin Cycling is a simple and accessible routine designed to maximize your skin health and appearance.

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Aesthetics Taylor Hartman Aesthetics Taylor Hartman

A Beginner’s Guide to Skin Exfoliation

Skin exfoliation has become increasingly popular in recent years, and is now a staple in most skincare routines. Exfoliating removes dead skin cells from the outer layer of your skin. When used incorrectly, exfoliation can be damaging, making it important to understand when exfoliation is beneficial and what kind of exfoliant to use.

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Taylor Hartman Taylor Hartman

The Dangers of Nicotine Vaping

E-Cigarettes have been touted as a safe alternative to tobacco cigarettes for years. A growing body of evidence is challenging this narrative, and instead suggests that e-cigarettes can and do cause harm both physically and physiologically.

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Taylor Hartman Taylor Hartman

The Emerging Link Between THC & Fertility

Emerging research suggests that regular THC use may have a negative impact on fertility for both people who menstruate and those who can inseminate others. Read on to learn more.

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Taylor Hartman Taylor Hartman

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, often abbreviated to EDS, is an inherited genetic disorder that impacts the body’s connective tissues including skin, joints, and even blood vessel walls. The most common type of EDS, known as hypermobile EDS, typically causes overly flexible joints and fragile skin, and damaged skin often heals poorly.

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Hormones Taylor Hartman Hormones Taylor Hartman

PCOS Recognition & Treatment

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder that affects individuals of reproductive age who have ovaries, often causing menstrual cycle dysregulation and several other unpleasant symptoms.

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Allergies, Nutrition Taylor Hartman Allergies, Nutrition Taylor Hartman

Recognizing Gluten Sensitivity

Gluten is a term used for the proteins found in many grains (and products containing them) including wheat, rye, barley, oats, and triticale which helps these foods maintain their shape. Frequently experiencing certain symptoms might indicate a gluten sensitivity, which should be addressed to support your health and comfort.

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